cpu 2010

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Intel Core2 Duo E6600

Built on the innovative Intel Core microarchitecture, the Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 processor features two independent processor cores in one physical package operating at 2.4GHz with a full 4MB L2 cache and a 1066MHz FSB to provide truly parallel computing for enhanced multi-application performance. PC users are running multiple, intense software applications simultaneously and demanding more on hardware resources. In office, PC usage has changed from data entry and word processing to e-Commerce, online collaboration and an ever-increasing need for continual security and virus protection. In the home, interests have shifted from low-bandwidth photos and Internet surfing to downloading and viewing high definition videos as well as advanced photo and video editing. The all-new Intel Core 2 Duo processor was developed to meet all these demands. There are reviewers who say that this is a CPU design for Intel which will really change the industry and what gamers consider as the CPU of choice. Other features including Intel Wide Dynamic Execution, Intel Smart Memory Access, Intel Advanced Smart Cache and Intel Digital Media Boost, all help the processor do more in less time.

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